Does your website have sitemaps?

One of the many issues we cover when we analyse websites of our new clients is the presence of sitemaps.

Sitemaps come in 2 different formats, HTML (which users and search engine spiders can see) and XML (which is purely for search engine spiders).

Their purpose is to provide an overview of all pages across your website. The HTML version has the added advantage of giving your website visitors another means of accessing pages on your site and when you set it up correctly, it creates a great user experience (something Google really loves!).

Some websites have only the HTML version, some only have the XML version but many don’t have either! So what do yo do?

10 Things Old School Direct Mail Can Teach You About Online Conversion

 The following is a feature article from Will Swayne, Managing Director at Marketing Results.


In the world of online marketing, there seems to be a constant buzz around “the Next Big Thing” – the next analytics tool, the next landing page template, the next social media strategy.

While many marketers (particularly those selling the Next Big Thing) would have you believe their new innovation is the magic bullet for solving all your marketing challenges, the underlying psychology of why people buy remains more or less constant.

Luckily, ever since Aaron Montgomery Ward launched the first mail-order catalogue in 1872, marketers have expended a ton of time and money testing what works and what doesn’t, when it comes to compelling people to buy or enquire.

Even though the marketing media might have changed, the lessons remain valid today.

2011 is winding down, but you shouldn’t!

As 2011 draws to a close, many businesses will naturally start slowing down due to the seasonal demand for their products and services.

Since business activity is much lower in terms of sales, business owners often tend to tighten their grip on their purse strings, in particular marketing budgets.

We’re here to tell you that it’s actually a time to ramp up your marketing and promotion efforts or at the very least, keep them at the same level – just don’t reduce or drop it altogether!